Monthly Archives: August 2023

A Fistful of Novels

The prospect of a second year of the pandemic loomed over my first pandemic winter. There was some hope of vaccines making things semi-livable again, but we weren’t quite there yet. I was still working from home, enjoying having back 2 hours a day that I used to spend commuting. And I got the time… Read More »

Mentored by a Mid Lister+

I touched on this briefly before, but I corresponded back in the pre internet days with what would now be considered a high mid list middle grade and YA author.  They were “big” enough to generally make a living at it, but “small” enough at the time to still handle their own mail. In between… Read More »

Author Journeys

I’m one of those “dreamed of being a writer since I was a kid” types, writing down partial ideas, bad teenage poetry, and showing meagre promise at student competitions. I suspect most kids were competing to earn extra credit for class; I should have asked for that, I realised too late. With no good ideas… Read More »